
 Adrift, a continuation of the photographic series Afloat, follows the life of Amir Khodajo, a nineteen year old from Herat, Afghanistan, I met during my first visit in Moria. He was the one to show me around - a tour guide of sorts that turned into a good friend.

Finding shelter in Moria camp alongside his mother and his three younger siblings, Amir was more than a son and a brother. Having lost his father at age fourteen, he was also a father figure and the family’s guardian and caregiver. Being the only one to speak basic English he acted as a translator as they tried to navigate the harsh realities of immigrant life. During his eight-month stay in Moria, Amir was diagnosed with severe heart disease - a condition passed down genetically from his father. The need for a heart transplant was immediate. The family swiftly moved to Athens, in search of treatment, escaping a great fire that tore down Moria camp, in the process. But Amir didn't make it. His heart failed him.

As the family tries to overcome this tragic loss restlessly searching for a better life, this project tells Amir’s story - one of struggle but also of kindness, dignity and hope.

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